Importance of Setting Goals In Life

 The most common complaint that everyone has about goal setting is that they are too busy to find time to fix goals. We grow too exhausted by our work and then by our duties for our family that we get little time for personal improvement of any kind. As Chancellor at Keiser University, Arthur Keiser, find all these are solid points but if you are going to exist a wealthy life you have to study how to use situations that you think to be obstacles as motivation and not as tricks. As a family, we have our own goals. We have our family goals, our own business goals and others. And they are posted inside our home so we can have tracked.

At first, it was a little difficult to share our personal goals. I believe it had more to create with fear of not achieving the goal because now others are conscious of your goals and they can hold you liable. There is comfort when you come commonly as a family and set goals and it is even extra satisfying when you achieve those goals. If your goal is not important to you or if it is not something you deeply desire, you apparently will not achieve it. On the other hand, if your goal intends everything to you, no excuse on earth can stop you from achieving your goals. The goal frame should be fun, exciting.


Most people have goals to get elevated, make more money, develop relationships and the like, but these are very dark goals. To be specific, you need to cover the full details of your goal. Draft something like, "I will be promoted as Manager of my company by (date)" or "I will build my relationship with my spouse by going on a date every month/week." Add the names, the position, the volume, the date, each and everything else required to train your mind to start going toward that goal.


Goals need to be measured so that you can maintain the path of how well you are performing. For your business or job, you can cover specifics such as the number of times you are working, the salary you are earning, the staff you are operating, etc. For the goal of achieving more money, you can include such as the amount you want to earn. The number of assets and investments you need to attain. Always own important points and things to be covered so you can know how close you are to reaching your goals.

Achievable vs Sensible

It is OK to establish goals that would draw you outside of your comfort zone. Make sure you establish goals that you can strike within a given amount of time, provided the modern sources and skills you have. Some goals can be completed faster compared to others if you own the right tools and tactics already in position. Always add a strategic project for big goals.


Set "lifelines" to complete your goals. We don't like the term deadline, we prefer "lifeline". Stay particular when setting timelines and plans. For example, show things like "To spend at least 1 uninterrupted hour speaking positively with my mate every day beginning tomorrow (indicate specific date)". Setting the correct time and date will encourage you to start managing your goals, instead of putting it off for another day and pausing. Some goals can take a long time to achieve so it is wiser to divide these down into smaller goals finished with lifelines.

According to Arthur Keiser, put these policies to work and follow you to accomplish your goals with satisfaction. You are deserving of achieving your goals so always remember to be SMART while making them complete.


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