Understand The True Meaning of Success

In life, multiple people think that success is based on external things like cars, homes, funds, and other things that are obvious but the fact is a success is not about anything outside of one's person. Success should be based on one's contribution and influence on and the Earth. According to Arthur Keiser, many of us have considered the hype for so long that we own to show people the things that we make and have in order to receive their support or validation.

In actuality, none of that is required because who can judge, endorse or verify what is within you? Who can inform you if you got it right or not? Who can come inside of your actual vision or dream and say "Yep that's it you did it the correct way it was pointed in your vision or dream"? I usually tell my clients the one thing no one can high jack is their goals and visions.

Your dreams and visions are what provide you with the road map and path to what can be defined as success. Only you can understand what is within your visions and dreams so to know if you are successful or not you must ask yourself "Did I birth out what I noticed in my dreams and visions?" Many of us have strong dreams and visions but we are so scared of trying to start the journey of birthing because of what could go opposite.

I challenge you to start the process now because unless you are going to live with anxiety or regret of not doing it or the effort of doing it now. No matter what there will be pain but not all pain is hurtful. Do you memories the saying "No Pain No Gain?" This is really true when we encounter pain there is a memory immediately that is there to remind you of what you performed it through and it addresses you stronger.

When you go to the gym and work out there is a level of pain/discomfort that is necessary for you to know that you worked the muscle group that you owned in mind. Sometimes you are uncomfortable for a day or two afterwards but you proceed to go back to the gym to ultimately see the results you had envisioned. So if this is right for the gym and working your physical muscle wouldn't you believe it applies to all areas?

The answer is yes to reach the level of success that you were assigned here to perform you have to proceed to go back to the mental and spiritual gym to see the vision committee to decide if you are exercising the accurate muscle groups to see the effects of the vision. It doesn't matter if somebody can see the results if you can't because they have no intention of what the vision board looks like.

I tell this to my students all the time, It doesn't matter what other people speak about you but what you assume about yourself." Many people see this saying and compare it with something negative but it refers to the positive words also because you have to study to affirm yourself and secure that you are saying the things that you require to hear to yourself.

I challenge you to stop imagining what could go opposite and think about what could go best if you birth out that vision and dream. When you focus your consideration and energy on the vision and dream a flow of rhythm and intensity will be there to pull and push you into. I believe when the vision and mission are clear it will pull you and when the attention and passion are there it will drive you towards success.

When this is realized your true success will be awaiting and the level of satisfaction, joy and peace that we all envision will be there too. There is no necessity to live under your potential and there is no need to live a life where you nevermore get a chance to experience the true meaning of success and happiness. This is your birthright so embrace it. As ChancellorArthur Keiser you lack zero at all! You can to this planet to do something fabulous that only you can do. Success was and is created inside of you so dig deep within yourself and pull that greatness out because it is yours.


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